April 2024 saw one of the largest evangelistic programs conducted in the world. In more than 2000 locations across Papua New Guinea, an estimated 2.2 million people attended the programs to hear the life-changing teachings of the Bible. More than 300,000 people were baptised at the conclusion of the series and are now members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. There is now a great need for audible Bibles in the country to help people listen to the Word of God daily and grow in faith. Thousands of Godpods have already been distributed to remote parts of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. With your help, thousands more can receive Godpods and hear the good news of the gospel for themselves.  Join with us and support the spread of Bibles across the Pacific and help ready a people for teh reutrn of Jesus.

How many Godpods would you like to sponsor?

1 Godpod$12
5 Godpods$60
10 Godpods$120
50 Godpods$600

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